
In use of this site, information is collected to ensure no abuse of the service or its access for domestic users and intended audiences. Persons outside of Okalhoma or using the site exponentially may be examined, and abusive information may be shared where it impacts service with necessary audiences to prove trends and identify abusers. Forged user data is very possible, so no assertion that such information is a positive identification of the source is express or implied. This information is gathered purely to reduce misuse of Internet services and to validate and assist other users in protection of access and utility for local and regional audiences. Private information such as email address, user names, personal information in registered accounts, and other communications are not shared with any 3rd party or public, excluding necessary use for law enforcement in cases of intentional threat or violence obligating disclosure.

No guarantee of privacy is thus made, where the management determine a public threat of safety or impairment of use or benefit or security is present. This does not mean we do not protect or secure information granted to the site, but do not condone and will not protect abuse of the service or site or any person on it for any reason of presumed privacy.

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